Children and Young People with SEND
Family Hub SupportSupport for families of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
What is on offer in Wiltshire?
All of our services are available and accessible to families where parents/carers, children or young people have special educational needs and disabilities.
In addition, we have two parenting programmes which are both designed for parents who have children with SEND.
- Time Out for Parents (children with additional needs) – a seven week programme for parents/carers of children aged between 3 and 11 years with a disability or additional needs, particularly those who have learning, developmental and behavioural issues.
- Time Out for Parents (Teens with additional needs) – for parents/carers with teenagers who have a disability or additional needs. There is help and advice on parenting in the teenage years to build strong relationships to enjoy family life, while dealing with experiences relevant to parenting a teen with additional needs.
More information about these courses can be found on our parenting programme page, along with links to notify us of your interest in attending.
Specialist services in Wiltshire
Below is a list of specialist services who are there to support you with all aspects of family life:
- Devizes Opportunity Centre – a world of opportunities for children with special needs and their families through high quality early years education, therapeutic care and ongoing support.
- John McNeill Opportunity Centre – district specialist centre in south Wiltshire.
- Splash Wiltshire – provides positive activities and youth worker support for young people who are facing challenges in their life.
- Springboard (Chippenham) – a specialist pre-school (children aged 2-5) offering care and education for children with additional needs.
- Stepping Stones – supporting children aged between birth and 4 years old who have special needs in the west Wiltshire area.
- Wiltshire Centre for Independent Living – supports disabled people living in Wiltshire to have choice and control to live independent lives.
- Wiltshire Local Offer – a clear, comprehensive and accessible website created by Wiltshire Council. It is the first place to look for information about services, advice and support for special educational needs and disabilities from early years to adulthood.
- Wiltshire Parent Carer Council – WPCC represents and support parent carers of children and young people aged 0-25 in Wiltshire with special educational needs and disabilities.
- Wiltshire SENDIASS – Provided by Family Action, this is a source of free and impartial advice and support on special educational needs and disabilities
Ask for Help
If you would like to find out more about the support on offer through Family Hub Wiltshire Council, please get in touch with us using our ask for help form. Let us know if there is anything else we can do for you.